Jamie Meder sacked Tom Brady on Sunday. (Joshua Gunter, cleveland.com)
By Dan Labbe
October 9, 2016
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Jamie Meder didn't think he was going to get to Tom Brady on the play where he came away with his first sack of the season.
"Honestly, no," Meder said. "I was just hoping to trip him up for someone else to get him."
Meder, who attended Valley Forge High School in Parma Heights, fell down chasing Brady, but was able to crawl after him and bring him down from behind before he could get rid of the ball.
"I was going down the A-Gap and I saw him starting to step up in the B(-gap) and I came across and he started running and just dove and luckily caught a shoe string," Meder said.
Meder, who has been spending time along the line at both end and tackle, now has two career sacks. His first sack came last season against Tennessee.
"It's a great feeling," he said of tracking down Brady. "It would be a little better if we had the win, though."