By Kyle Deckelbaum
July 18, 2013
Two years after the Tennessee Titans took him in the fifth round, defensive lineman Karl Klug is back on the very same practice field he played on.
"This is awesome," Karl said. "This is where our roots are."
"I knew they'd come back and do something like this at some point," said Mary Klug-Silha, his mom.
Karl is hosting the first-annual Klug Skills and Drills Camp with his twin brother, Kevin. Both are giving more than their knowledge of the game.
Proceeds from the camp go towards rebuilding the Caledonia community pool in honor of their second cousin, Alexis Klug. She died of leukemia when she was seven years old.
"That's why we're doing it, is to raise money for the pool," Kevin said. "And they'll be bricks in her honor, so her name will always be present and family will always be reminded of her."
"I think about her every day," Karl said. "It's just really too bad that someone was taken from us at such a young age. It's really not fair."
"I'm proud of them," Mary said. "As I have been for years."
The Klugs aren't in town very long, but they hope their gift lasts for years.
"It's only right for us to give back," Karl said. "Thank you for getting us started. Thank you for getting us off on the right foot"